Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lost in Facebook

I kind of got lost in someone's facebook today. He'll remain anonymous, but he and I spent a great deal of time together when I was 30 and he was 4 He's now at MIT and just such a good looking kid. His whole family and I spent a year together back in the early 90s when i was a missionary in Mexico. Now his three older sisters are married and have children it appears and I, well, I am feeling quite old.

I'm also feeling a bit old after my foray to the Y this morning when women half my size can lift twice the weight I can (OK, so maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but not much.

I have a full day of training today where I will attempt to be honest and yet positive about the sacrifices we should make because children need families -- hope mixed with reality.

Following that I have a women's book study at church. It's going to be a long time before I can relax.....

And I'm sleepy already...

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