Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pushing Past the Pain .... and shredding it

Woke up with a headache this morning but still went to the Y and am now back and at my desk. I have found it increasingly harder to work from my desk lately and I'm not sure why. For a while I was going to Dunn Brothers, but lately have found the comfort of my recliner in my bedroom to lure me away from the desk. Today though I'm determined, among other things, to finish one particular project and to work on taxes.

Salinda should be returning today after an experiment (letting her "do school work" at her boyfriend's families home. It hasn't gone so well, so now she will be staying here until she is caught up. She promises she will not be crabby, but I'm preparing for the worst. I'm interested in discussing with her some of the events that happened while she was there -- trying to help her come to her own conclusions. I know that in the past me trying to point out things has never worked, so lately I just ask questions, listen, and hope that she comes to her own wise decisions.

Stomach and head still bothering me, not sure it will ever end. Maybe I"m just destined to spend 2009 not feeling well...

Next week begins a couple of very busy months for me. I have redone my speaking schedule and it even includes a link to my new brochure about the matching presentation I have developed. It also goes back to 2007 and I plan to take it back showing a history since I started speaking about adoption topics in 2001. I know it needs some work cosmetically, but I'm just trying to get everything in one spot for now.

As you can see, the next few weeks are going to be busy.

Also, if you live in MInnesota and have been thinking about adopting or having your homestudy updated, I'm doing a training here in Mankato March 26 and 27th that will fulfill the requirement for Minnesota's Adoption of Special Needs kids 16 hour training. It's not too late to sign up for that. ;-)

Today it is my intention to use my new shredder. Maybe that will motivate me to get organized.

I wish there was a way to shred other things, besides paper (no, not my children) -- things like anxiety, stress, worry, fatigue -- I wish they could just be fed into a shredder and destroyed.

Maybe prayer is like a paper shredder for pain....


  1. Not sure if I've commented here before or if I've just been lurking, but I'm motivated to "out" myself this morning.

    First of all, my wishes for a speedy and complete recovery from this mystery ailment that has been bugging you!

    Second, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person who hasn't started her taxes. You've made my day.

    And third, realizing that I'm a complete stranger and you know nothing about me (other than, if you look at my own blog, that I'm a law dork), I wanted to offer my assistance--if you're interested--in editing/proofing your brochure. I'm not a graphic designer but there's an editor inside me screaming to be let out :-)

  2. wow... if you're offering free help, I'll take it! I did that brochure so fast .....

    email me and I'll give it to you in whatever format you'd like it in....

    I always want things better, just don't have the time to perfect things.

    Details are NOT my gift at all. I love people like you.

    Especially if you're free. ;-)

  3. Hey I like that!

    Prayer is like a paper shredder for pain! That's a good saying! (I hope I wrote that right!)

    I hope you feel lots better soon!

  4. I hope you feel better soon. . . I gave you a blog award . . .
