Friday, September 11, 2009

Training All Day

I'll spend today training prospective adoptive parents. We have a good day planned and I am usually energized by explaining the joys and trials of my children and the adoption journey.

The training is long -- but I've got some people coming in to tell their story and a video for everyone to watch, so I'm thinking it will be a good day for the people there. It's still an "awful lot of Claudia" but hey, who better to hear go on and on for 10-12 hours straight?

Don't answer that.

So since they will hear me go on and on all day, you won't have much to read from me.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    My name is Chris and I now work with Bev Wyckoff (Downey). I'm an adult adoptee and she gave me information about your book and family.
    Do you use Primal Wound by Nancy Newton Verrier?
    I have not had the opportunity yet to fully read your blog or book but hopefully will do so soon!!
