Monday, December 07, 2009

One Step at a Time

OK, so laugh at me. I started this post this morning and then I got no farther than the title and hit publish by accident. Guess I really am taking blogging one step at a time today. Step one: Title. Step two: Contents).

I am on a new plan to improve my life and the first step involves a health plan. I'm going to add one new habit a week (a suggestion of my newly appointed life coach) and if I don't accomplish the habit for that week I can't move on to the next one. I am developing my list of new habits and will be posting them on my health and wellness blog which, really, is kind of a joke sometimes, but really motivating and good at other times. It's always very real though.... sometimes too real.

I would love it if some of you would join me in my new habit journey. It always makes it more fun. I think we've done this before, but I know I'm much more motivated when others join me. Check here to see about this week's habit and post your own.

1 comment:

  1. If you're like me, some weeks it may be better to subtract a bad habit than to add a new good habit - or maybe to replace a bad 'un with a good 'un.
