Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Maybe not for everyone, but this is my idea of a fun morning

Even though I don't feel all that great this morning -- my stomach is being weird -- I had a good time making this web page because it turned out good.

And I redid the background for the Permanent Family Resource Center twitter page. And I like it too.

Sometimes I finish something and think it is mediocre at best. But this time I don't. I like them both. Hopefully other people will be drawn to them as well -- and follow us on Twitter -- and, more importantly sign up to attend training to become an adoptive parent.

Of course, most of the twitter adoption world is focusing on adopting from Haiti at the moment. As someone who lives, breathes, thinks, dreams, sleeps with, studies, experiences, tolerates, and celebrates adoption and the issues surrounding it 24/7 the whole rush to help seems .... I'm not sure what the word is ..... it just seems strange. National disasters wake us up to issues I guess. Issues that are always there and suddenly the world is aware of them. Orphans needing parents? An issue that has been prevalent for decades. I won't take time to blog my opinions about this at great length as I will just be one of hundreds doing the same thing.

There will probably be more families wanting to adopt an orphan from Hiati (if they are truly orphans -- many kids in orphanages in third world countries do have living parents) than there are children to adopt. And that is a very good thing. I hope millions sense a call to do this. RIght now we as an agency are trying to find ways to help with this. But beyond this immediate need, my prayer is that once the adoption decisions are settled and the Haitian orphans have homes, that those millions who didn't "get a kid from haiti" will realize that they are still called to adopt.... and that more legal and true orphans, in the U.S. and around the world, will all find homes.


  1. Great job on the web pages Claudia!

  2. "But beyond this immediate need, my prayer is that once the adoption decisions are settled and the Haitian orphans have homes, that those millions who didn't "get a kid from haiti" will realize that they are still called to adopt.... and that more legal and true orphans, in the U.S. and around the world, will all find homes."

    You hit the nail on the head for me here too. Of course I want those kids to have all the assistance that can be provided to them but somehow the message needs to be sent that Haiti isn't the only country where kids need families. We spoke about adopting again yesterday morning. But, from Haiti was not a part of our conversation.
