Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Defiant Readers

Congratulations, defiant readers. Usually I have 10-15 readers a DAY on my fitness blog. Today so far 151. ODD. I swear you all have ODD.

Day has not been bad. Did a radio PSA for the agency and well, basically, scared Kari to death that I would be inappropriate. But I told her

I've got a way about me,
don't know what it is,
but know that you can't live without me... anyway.

She tries to get me to calm down but I have my own style and generally it works out pretty well with people. But both my husband and my BFF are always so worried that I'll do or say something that embarrasses them.

Like at lunch when I pronounced the Pizza Hut Entree as Pee Zone and told the waitress that my boys thought that there was one of those in the bathroom -- a huge area of the bathroom -- that is called the pee zone and you don't have to make it in the toilet as long as it's in the zone.

Those things embarrass them, but they make me unforgettable. :-)

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