It's Memorial Day and I'm in my office with my door shut. One of our "adult" children has to work today and I am hiding in my office with my door shut because my goal with him is to keep my mouth shut but if I see him I can't trust myself to do so. So I'm pretending I'm not here until he goes to work.
Today we are heading back out to the lake. I'm really wanting to get some pictures of the kids tubing, but that would require me to actually get in the boat, and I'm not really sure I can do that. My body is just not cooperating with me much lately.
I need to get back to the project I started Saturday -- which was cleaning my desk. But there are only a couple hours before we leave for the lake, so maybe I won't finish it.
And by the way. How in the world does one get on a mailing list for viagra that is always addressed to Mr. Claudia. Good grief. I get 3-4 emails a day telling me all about how to please my woman for hours. Mr. Claudia. Hmpf.
That's pretty annoying. I don't know how the folks out in Internet land determined that I'm a hot, swinging housewife.