Sunday, July 04, 2010

As Bad as You'd Think

Wow, it's hard to sleep when your body is so busy sweating. The kids had a really hard time settling down and it was hard to sleep without air. It was so hot ... It's cooler outside now, and raining, so maybe tonight won't be as bad.

Feeling drained upon getting out of bed is ever a good plan, but this morning I am moving very slowly. The humidity is crushing me. But in a few minutes, I"ll do the Sunday morning routine again, getting everyone up and moving as we head for church. We need to figure out somewhere cheap and cool to be this afternoon, although I have some stuff I'd love to spend time on here at the desk involving photos.... so maybe I"ll just stay here and sweat.

You can read another tidbit about our day on the Coffee Blog.

One little glimpse this morning of yesterdays fun -- Sadie with Sarah, Leon's girlfriend and one of Sadie's best friends, on the tube. I'll post more pictures later today. I had so much fun watching them from the boat that my face hurt from smiling so much.

Today it hurts from my sunburn. :-)


  1. Sun block, anyone?

  2. I'd like to say I sympathize with the heat but the truth is, although it is presently very hot and humid here in MA I love it! I have no a/c which I despise. I on the other hand, am so not a fan of winter.

  3. Cheap and cool? Right away that brings to mind the Coffee's! They did offer daytime digs ya know. We had so much fun yesterday-thanks for taking the pictures Claudia~
