Sunday, July 11, 2010

Uh, OH, Someone Forgot to Blog

Kari pointed out last night when I called her that I had never blogged. It was quite a day. I was out of the house by 7:30 on a Saturday, which may explain why I forgot to blog.

Ricardo, Sadie and I left at 7:30. We stopped by the bank and had to get pictures. We drove to the Cities. Then we shopped for a shower gift for Christy's shower that Sadie was invited to. Headed to drop Sadie off at the shower and met Kyle for breakfast. Then Ricardo went with him so KYle could drop him off today at a wrestling camp for 5 days. PIcked Sadie up, got lost, and was late getting her to pick up Salinda, baby, and bf's sister to take them and Sadie down to John's GF Courtney's graduation party (a fun event -- we met some of her family for the first time. Really nice people). That lasted until after 4 and then I came home and just crashed. I decided to spend several hours away from the computer. Bart and I played scrabble on our Ipads and then we got to watch Gabby for a bit. Watching her with Wilson is such fun. (A couple picks from my Iphone from the weekend above... the one where she is laughing Bart is entertaining her. He always gets the best smiles).

Fell into bed around 10:30 and now I'm up getting everyone moving for church. Following that I will take Salinda et. al. 45 minutes from here to see her bf in jail and then his mother will pick them up and take them the rest of the way home. I'll return and then have told Bart I will take Dominyk out of his hair as he will want to rest this afternoon before our Sunday evening service in the park which, by the way, anyone is invited to. 5:30 activities, then potluck, then worship. Spring Lake Park. ;-)

Summer is slipping by so fast and we remain busy. The wedding is less than 2 weeks away and then Bart has a trip, he and I are going to NACAC, and by the time we get back it's only 2 weeks until sports practices gear up in the fall.

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