Monday, November 01, 2010

Boo Humbug!

I'm the scrooge of Halloween. Seriously. The day makes me crabby. It probably didn't help that I was reading "The Hole in Our Gospel" by World Vision director Richard Stearns while people were trick-or-traeating. But in a world where women and children spend 8-10 hours a day hauling polluted water so that they don't die that day, living in a country that was predicted to spend 6 billion dollars yesterday for a holiday that is pointless makes no sense whatsoever to me. It makes my head spin.

So we downplay it as much as possible, try not to spend the average amount spent in US households which is about $80, and this year is the last year we will invest anything in this holiday. Our family rule is that 5th grade is "graduation year" from trick-or-treating so Wilson breathed the last of Halloween. And don't even say that you think I'm going to buy costumes for my grandchildren because I won't. If their parents want to, that's their business, and apparently they have found that to be a priority already. (Both the pictures of my grandkids were texted to me, although I did get to see Isaac for a long time yesterday but not in costume)

But I was impressed that Wilson is so self-differentiated as an almost 12 year old boy that he chose to be an orange fairy. And must confess that while Gabby looks a bit confused, she makes a pretty cute pumpkin. And Isaac, well I'm pretty sure his cow costume was a bit big for his 2.5 week old self, but ... Happy Halloween, I guess. Not like I'm going to be able to singlehanded stop Halloween.

So I might as well enjoy what I can and share the cute pictures with you.

But I still say Boo Humbug!


  1. I adore halloween (though I don't spend that much money on it) and I love the pics of Wilson and the grand kids. I especially am proud of Wilson. My 6 y/o son I KNOW really wanted to be a fairy of some sort. He saw us pick out fabric for Lissa's costume and I know he wanted glitter and gems and wings. But he could not quite get comfortable around the idea and chose Robin Hood instead. We did try to make his cape as shiny as possible. I could tell though that he totally coveted wings and fairy glitter despite all that!

  2. I struggle with Halloween, as I posted about late last week, but it is fun for the kids to dress up. I scour thrift stores for appropriate costumes all year long (dramatic play for child care. Our biggest expense is actually a business expense as I can write off the candy as advertising when I include a business card. :)

  3. You MUST enter these photos into our costume contest! Only 14 entries so far!
