Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hoping for a Better Day

Yesterday wasn't a good day around here. The snow kept falling, the kids kept getting more agitated, and I really just wanted to run away. But today is a new day. Church is cancelled (something that hardly ever happens) and it is finally still outside. The snow has stopped falling and blowing. But it looks like there are feet of snow in the yard. I know feet didn't fall, but the drifting, etc. has it piled pretty high. It's zero out though, making it really too cold to play out there for very long. Thus we will have another day of all of us here. It looks as though the road got plowed, so maybe a few people can leave for a while today anyway.

I have come up with a few projects I'd like to try and get done and I think I'm just going to have no expectations for the kids and let them lie around all day. At least it will be a day with minimal conflict that way.

I definitely had my Sabbath yesterday, so I'm not feeling too guilty about trying to get things done today....

If you've been snowed in with your children and had a lovely day, please don't tell me about it. ;-)


  1. Tooooooo much togetherness...I totally relate!!!! We may try and make a mall trip just so we can have a different venue to explore. I would really like to stay home and finish painting but the natives are getting restless!

  2. Great day to make hot cocoa and watch Elf. Everyone even obnoxious teens will enjoy that!
