Friday, December 10, 2010

It's all done....

I survived another 1/2 gallon of "cocktail" mixed with White Grape Juice concentrate -- even better than the minute maid. And I got lots of time with Isaac, something I plan to do again today.

Procedure took a couple hours and there was more pain than expected. Court happened over the phone and the case was suspended until Salinda turns 18, which is how it should have been in the first place. They stopped by and picked up some stuff and then headed out with Henry's Mom and Aunt. Bart and I decided to go out for breakfast and ended up at the table next to them. Interesting situation, but I'm at peace with it.

As Salinda turns 18 and is "on her own" it will be nice to know that our relationship is optional from both sides Does that make any sense to any of you? No requirements or expectations put on us by the law. And she only will be around us when she wants to be, not because she has to be. Her official address will change and she will have the freedom she has been begging for for years.


  1. For us, 18 has been a huge plus. SO good to not be legally responsible.
    But from their side, the fact that we still stuck around in some form, I think, finally started to get through to them.

    4 down, 2 to go!


  2. Salinda will experience the old "be careful what you wish for"...

  3. Well... be careful what you wish for....has been my motto for awhile now - lol. I sure hope she finds wht she's looking for in life. That everything is just wonderful for her once magical 18 happens and she isn't forced to comply with the laws of minors - just the laws the rest of us are expected to abide by. I am sure there will be a sense of relief for you too that you aren't being forced by law to force her to comply with things she simply doesn't see the point in.

    Redoing bedrooms to accomodate her and Gabby last year was awesome of you - I just wish our kids could take a step back from their own emotions and see all of the ways we show them love.

    Glad your procedure went well!!

  4. It makes sense to me. Our RAD kid might be more relaxed when the relationship is optional.
