Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Towards 2011

I tend to go a little overboard on goal setting and planning, but it comforts me and gives me direction. I have spent the last 30 minutes writing my goals for 2011. There is one goal for each of Six Categories: Spiritual Life, Family, Health, my Downey Side job, my Adopt America job, and Third Degree Parenting. I have written a few objectives for each one as well. Objectives, you know, are measurable things you can do to reach a goal. For example, my family goal is to spend intentional time of positive interraction with members of my family. But the objectives include spending time alone with each of the children who live at home once a month, having a weekly date with Bart, and planning a weekly family activity. Get it?

I think it would be fun to do our monthly resolutions again. Anyone remember them? Back in 2008 we used to set monthly goals together and then evaluate at the end of the month.

So, my monthly measurable objectives to share with you will be the ones I listed above. Date with Bart once a week, Family activity once a week, and spend time alone with each of the children who live at home this month.

What are yours? We'll talk about them again at the end of January. Come on, this will be fun. And for those of you who have been lurking, lurking, lurking...... maybe you should unlurk and participate with us! I can't wait to hear what your'e all going to do!


  1. Funny - I handed out pages with similar categories last night at dinner and we discussed our achievements (or lack of) for 2010, and our goals for 2011.

    Kathleen Benckendorf

  2. i want to keep it small so its attainable and i wont feel as guilty as if i made a big goal or many small ones.

    im going to drink water with lemon/lime/orange slices instead of iced tea, kool aid or pop

  3. Here it is 9 minutes to midnight in L.A. (well actually I'm in North San Diego County at the moment) and trying to finish my last 2010 blog with my goals. I do like the monthly goals, so I'm in!

  4. I will be taking family leave to help my 3-year-old with his emotional problems. So in January I will develop methods to help him cope when he is upset. And clean house before blogging.

  5. I am going to kick the Pepsi habit. This month I will limit myself to one 12 ounce Pepsi a day.
