Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Poopy Today, Loopy Tomorrow

According to my buddy at the Y whose friend's dad had a colonoscopy, I am going to be a bit loopy tomorrow. But first, today, I get to be poopy. I am not allowed to have any solid foods all day today and beginning at 1 I will drink the gallon of stuff. It's going to be quite a long day.

Especially since it started at 3:50 again. I think I'm going to sleep for part of the day -- somewhere before I have to start pooping for 10 hours. Has anyone done this? Is the prep as bad as it sounds? I guess in 24 hours I'll know.

On Friday I have court with Salinda -- what could very well be a routine child support hearing -- but the potential for drama is always high with her, so I planned this colonoscopy on Thursday on purpose. I figure I'd have something to focus on for this week that would take my mind off it, and then on Thursday, I'll be nice and relaxed and loopy all day while I recover.

If this works I'm going to patent the idea: Colonoscopy as Anxiety Reduction Therapy.

But first, the day ahead. The hungry, annoying, poopy day. All so that tomorrow I can be loopy.

(And yes, the story about the shower door at the Y that Kari is going to blog today is true.)


  1. Stay hydrated it isn't fun. You can drink clear liquids like chicken broth, mushroom broth, beef broth, anything to make you feel like you have been given "food" and be sure you are close to a bathroom all day. You will end up peeing out your but in the end. Good luck.

  2. Yep, not too long ago - I rememer vividly. My sister came over to spend the night and take me the next day. She, my husband and I tried to play scrabble - ok til about an hour into it - then, one turn and run, one turn and RUN, then RUN, RUN, RUN. Short game. Just keep the bathroom free, with your housefull, you might need to camp out there with the door barricaded. Then there is the next day where the procedure takes place...once you're out, it's wonderful, but for the wait, wear protection and take soft baby wipes because even if there is nothing left, you'll think there might be. I know, tmi, but hey, you're the one talking about your poop:) Enjoy the drugs - praying for you.

  3. I did it a few years ago... buy the softest toilet paper you can find, and don't stray far from the bathroom.

    I found the solution was easier to drink when it was very cold, and I plugged my nose while drinking. The first few glasses aren't so bad, but by the end you want to gag! I don't know if yours has the "flavor packets," but I found 1/2 orange and 1/2 pineapple mixed wasn't so bad.

  4. Make sure the prep is very cold, then dump in crystal light lemonade-sugar free (though it sugar is ok, try that). It will make it a little more palatable, but still gross. And drink quick - hold the nose and pour it down.

    I also think the better your prep is the night before (clear liquids, etc), the better end result for the cleanliness of the colon.

    The prep is the worse - the rest you sleep though.

  5. Been there. Done that. Actually I've done it twice already because I'm old! The prep is not fun, but once they start the procedure it's over quickly. However, I wasn't loopy afterwards. I just went home and continued on with my day as usual.

    Have fun!
