Monday, January 17, 2011

Adoption Tax Credit

If you have finalized in the last few years, you need to know that you can apply old tax credits and have a substantial tax refund... if you haven't heard already!

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Jackson Hewitt have partnered to help adoptive families understand the Adoption Tax Credit. For tax tips from the professionals, please view this video produced by Jackson Hewitt.

Jackson Hewitt is also offering a coupon for $25 off tax preparation services. For every coupon redeemed, Jackson Hewitt will make a donation to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Download your printable coupon at

This year, dramatic changes benefit adoptive parents, so it is important to understand the new tax laws, and to consider consulting a tax professional.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I had forgotten that this could even apply to us. So helpful you are!



  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Thanks for sharing these, Claudia! We're in disbelief, because we've adopted 6 in the last 3 years! What a blessing this will be for us. :)
