Monday, January 24, 2011

Much Better...

Yesterday was a much better day. Both church services were great and then we had pizza out with lots of cool people and took the kids to a movie after that. That led up to youth group where everyone but Wilson was gone. He, Bart and I had dinner out. Our friend Kendra showed us an Iphone app at lunch that allowed me to warp Wilson's face....

Came home and worked on a fun project for a while at the computer -- something I haven't done for a few weeks. I got all my work hours in this week with time to spare so I was excited about that.

Have been continuing my Isaac therapy -- he's losing some of his hair, but so interactive and smiley! It's not the greatest picture, but it gives you an idea. Every night he sits on my lap and we talk. He coos and gurgles and makes all kinds of baby noises but the expression on his face changes as he talks and it's so cute -- he really believes we're having a conversation. Would be interesting to know what really goes on in that little baby head....

This morning I've already had a great workout and I don't have any meetings today with the exception of one doctor's appointment to have my lap band filled. I haven't had it filled for almost 3 years, so it is a weight loss tool that I haven't been using. Hopefully it's going to help as I have been doing fairly well with this low-carb diet.

Though I have asked myself the question, "Is there life after carbs" many many times. I mean really, carbs are... well.... good. But If I don't think about it I'm fine. I'm not hungry -- if you eat only protein you don't tend to be ... so if I focus on other things it goes well. I believe I lost 3 or 4 pounds this week, but who knows if it will show up on the scale....

I'm all pumped up today -- got those endorphins flowing and lots of energy. We'll see how long I can make it last ;-)

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