Monday, February 14, 2011

Edgy Makes Us Edgy

There are three definitions of edgy according to Mirriam Webster:

1. having an edge : sharp

2. being on edge : tense, irritable

3. having a bold, provocative, or unconventional quality

Today I've been thinking about how doing things that are number 3 makes us number 2.

I was going to be a bit more vague, but I think these guys could handle this being public, so if they find it -- hi guys!

Four years ago a couple 8th graders who were in classes with Salinda and Jimmy were here in our basement hanging out with Mike who is a good 4-5 years older than they are. They all came up from the basement hungrier than was explainable naturally and reeking of pot smoke. They consumed an entire loaf of bread made into toast within 10 minutes... and I was laughing simply because they thought they were hiding the obvious. This is my first clear memory of the guys.

Lately one of them, and later joined by the other, have started attending our church. They are very rough around the edges having had a pretty hard go of it the last four years. They have been addicted (might still be) to substances and had some things on their record. At least one has graduated from high school and is currently homeless, the other I haven't gotten all the details from.

They showed up for church yesterday morning and were out on the church steps, puffing on something that was either a very tiny cigarette or something else. I gave them a look that at least moved them down the block to finish up -- but they came in on time, sat through first service, stayed for second service, and didn't get into trouble in between.

I pulled them aside, looked them both in the eye and said, "I want you guys to come out to lunch with us. But my kids think you are cool and they will do whatever you do. So no smoking. Not even cigarettes. Can you make it?"

Very eagerly they promised me they could and they were VERY grateful -- expressing it multiple times. One of them even asked me for a hug because he was going through a hard time. After lunch I gave him my cell number and watched him put it into his phone. I told him to text me if he needed anything.

But many parts of the day I found myself nervous and edgy. I wondered if their presence was bothering others. I worried about what they might do next. But they handled themselves very well and I was proud of them.

Sometimes we have to do edgy things even if they make us edgy. If Jesus would have been around yesterday, he would have sat by those two in church, no doubt in my mind. He was drawn to those on the edges -- those who society had pushed off to the side.

Adopting from foster care is edgy and it makes us edgy for years. Reaching out to people who might make me uncomfortable is still a struggle sometimes even though I've lived this way a long time.

But just because something is hard doesn't mean we shouldn't do it. Do you have something edgy that you know you need to do but the idea of how uncomfortable it might make you keeps you from it?

Dive into edgy! It might be cold, but once you get used to the water, it's a really great place to swim.


  1. Great post! We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Most of the time we are too busy with our own lives to see the opportunities that are placed in front of us. It will be fun to see what happens next....

  2. C - Again with the appropriate post! We are adopting from foster care and I am freaking out! I couldn't put my finger on the what, but edgy describes it perfectly. I feel much better with that label and the knowledge that I am reaching outside my comfort zone and that it's OK to be edgy. Thanks so much. - J

  3. Wonderful post - edgy describes it so well, our actions seem edgy to others and our nerves certainly are!

    We can survive standing in the gap/on the edge for our kids who came from hard places only through remembering to rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit and not our own.
