Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Feedback for a Blog Friend

Any body who has time and interest should head over and read Kathleen's posts. She is preparing a presentation on the role of support groups, and especially churches, in supporting adoptive families. She is seeking comments on her blog posts. There is one here and another one here.

The first post and one topic of the presentation is how outsiders don't necessarily see things as they really are in the family,and how sometimes such outsiders can hinder family attachment and the child's healing. She's made a table correlating RAD symptoms and other behaviors as how they may look to outsiders, vs. how they look to us.
The other post is some of the truly unhelpful things that people say to adoptive parents, and some suggestions for better approaches.

She's also going to be developing information about the spiritual-emotional-psychological aspects of supporting the family; practical aspects like providing respite, helping with home repairs, providing appropriate child care so parents can actually GET to church, why Sunday school classes and youth group activities may not be appropriate for many adopted kids, and more.

She is asking for input and I know no better people than you to provide it....

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