Saturday, February 05, 2011

Gotta Love It

I'm sitting in a Panera in a suburb of Kansans City having a delightful time. For some reason this trip so far has been great.

First of all, I have had some fun with Sadie and Sara. Not silly wild fun... nor anything intentional .. .but just relaxed ease and conversations that flowed. The trip went surprisingly fast and we made good time.

Secondly, our hosts are wonderful. We are staying with people I have known a long time. Kevin went to youth camp with me when I was 12 -- I've known him that long -- and I met Renee when I was 19. We're all pushing 50 -- some of us harder than others Kevin -- but it's been so fun to see them -- meet their kids who are Jr. and Sr. in high school that I had not previously met, and stay in their beautiful home.

Renee, a native of South Africa, has a huge heart for orphan adoption and it is fun to see how we have arrived at a similar passion after heading in very different directions as couples.

And finally, I have just enjoyed the perspective I always get when I drive and when I am in new places. Being in larger cities always reminds me of the overwhelmingly huge number of people out there who have busy lives and who are in many ways so similar to me and in many other ways so different. For example, I am sitting next to a table of women who are planning activities for several girl scout troops. Last night I was in a coffee shop while the girls attended the first session of the Revolve Tour and experienced Kansas City night life for the upper class. Starbucks is open until midnight and was packed at 9:30. I don't even think there is a coffee shop in our town open past 9...

I love getting away and thinking and evaluating my life from afar. It always gives me motivation and vision and calms me down from being caught up in the crazy drama of our home. And having a husband who is willing to allow me to do this and who capably handles everything alone is a tremendous gift.

I'm thinking about sending out an email to promote my speaking again. These times away are so important and the things that I share with workers and parents so important that the word needs to be out. I'm horrible at self-promotion.

Hey wait, you can help me! Have you all seen this page about my speaking topics? Check it out and if you have some connections, I'd love to come somewhere where YOU live!

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