Monday, February 28, 2011

Let Me Introduce you to Someone

Sam doesn't know I'm doing this. He might not like me doing it. He's really not into self-promotion at all, but is simply intent on glorifying God in whatever he does.

He and his wife Vicki have been my friends since 1985. Wow. That's a long time. Vicki played in our wedding and Sam sang in a quartet -- and they have been mentors to me during various periods in my life.

Sam is now the Executive Pastor at Bethehem Baptist and has a blog. He has also just written a new book that is hot off the press. It's called Practicing Affirmation: God-Centered Praise of Those Who Are Not God. I haven't read it yet, so I can't tell you anything more about it other than that if Sam wrote it, it's good.

Jimmy and I had supper with Sam and Vic on Thursday night. It was so great to catch up and to talk They inspire me.

Maybe I won't tell him that I told you about him cuz like I said he isn't interested in self-promotion. But if you are a person of faith his writing will encourage you for sure.

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