Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So, here's how it all went....

I went to Best Buy to get a new mouse because I needed one desperately and went to lunch with Bart and when I came home -- 54 emails, and only four of them were people messing with me because I said I had an empty in box....

I spent yesterday at my desk -- filing paperwork and getting organized, finishing up the last of what I had to do for taxes. The desk is just about cleaned up and I am almost caught up on paperwork.... which if you have lots of kids you know hardly ever happens...

So I'm feeling pretty good as I leave town this morning -- heading to Duluth today and either coming back home Thursday night or Friday night, depending on if a training I am supposed to do is cancelled.

I always feel much better taking off when I know I can come home to a tidy office...

And just in case you are wondering, I worked real hard last night to catch back up on my email. I would love to stay on top of it for a few days because the feeling I have when it's under control is amazing...

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