Tuesday, February 08, 2011

TAXES. Need I say more?

Yesterday morning I decided to devote my morning to getting our tax stuff ready for the accountant. However, I did something really stupid -- I had 12 spreadsheets open at once, one for each month and I was entering receipts (That isn't the stupid part). But I had to run to the doctor at 11 and when I left, I closed my computer laptop. Apparently instead of putting the computer to sleep it shut it down instead and I had neglected to save several of the spreadsheets. Thus, my afternoon was spent redoing what i had done in the morning.

By this time I was a bit too crabby to blog.....

Today I'm heading over to my new office to spend the day getting things done in a different environment. If I switch things up a bit I tend to get more done...

Maybe along the way today I'll come up with something brilliant to share with you. Here's hoping...

1 comment:

  1. Back in the old apple days, I was teaching at a college and shared an apple with another teacher - and she was writing a book. She rarely saved her work - leaving the computer up and on 24/7. She never backed it up, and since she was easily 30 years my senior, I didn't touch her stuff. We were supposed to share the computer -I used it to write work sheets, tests, etc. One day I had a test up on the screen and a student came up for a consult; without thinking I closed the window, and shut down the computer. She lost chapters, and from that point on, she was lobbying for me to be fired.
