Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Sunday Morning!

Great morning so far. Bart took a two mile walk on the beach while everyone else (me included) slept. Then he prepared us a delicious breakfast. I shaved my legs. (If you follow my blog you will know this is a rare occurrence). After Bart's shower we will have our own "church service" and then head for our day at the beach. It is warm, cloudy and "moist" as Wilson put it.

It is also Sunday, which means that I get a break from my 40 days of Water project so we are planning to drive to a Sonic, something we don't have in Minnesota (that we know of). The kids who come from the south have good Sonic memories and I want one of their special drinks.... so today we may just drive to Florida to have a Vanilla Coke. ;-)

Dominyk, our only child unable to control himself, has done pretty well thought he last hour last night and a few minutes this morning we have been unsure of his longevity as a human. (kidding of course). He will do much better once we are outside and he can explore.

We are across the street from the ocean, but the hotel has a lagoon behind us and a pool next to our condo. There is a gazebo where Bart and I were able to sit and visit last night.

It's quite fun having the chance to just focus on nothing more than parenting. There is a cheezy large print novel here that I'll read, plus a few books I downloaded onto my Ipad.

Facebook kept us very entertained the last two weeks and I have that on my phone.

So kids, a bit of online activity, and my husband ... a beach, few responsibilities, and very little work sound like a formula for a great vacation.

I may have mentioned before that God has been challenging me to be a bit less driven and relax. Bart and I have been reading this book together and I took the text inside and was rated an emotional adolescent! The reason: I scored very low on the sections about relaxing, taking breaks from work, and getting "me time."

So that's one of my goals for the next few years -- to find ways to balance my life. And it's interesting. Since I have made an effort to spend less time forcing myself to get tons of stuff done in the day I have actually accomplished more.

I'm taking my camera to the beach. I hope there are many GOOD pictures to share with you later...


  1. Claudia,

    I too live in the land of the frozen tundra AKA MN..there are a few Sonic's here, they are just all up here in the twin cities area. They're in West St Paul on Robert Street kind of by Target, Savage on cty rd 42, Bloomington on American Blvd, St Paul on Suburban Avenue, and Columbia Heights on Central Ave. The only two I know the exact location of though are Savage, and West St Paul. If you go between 2-4 for there "Happy Hour" to the on in West St Paulyou can get a drink for half price. Those are the only ones currently in MN, but they are expending. Just thought I'd pass the word along so if you are ever up in the cities are again, you can hit one up if you'd like. IF you do, I'd be curious to know if they are any different than the ones down south. Hope you all enjoy your trip, and the kids don't drive you to crazy while you're gone! Enjoy!

  2. So Joni -- do you sit out and order and eat in the vehicle like other Sonics or can you go inside? Can't imagine they can be open all year unless there is a place to sit down inside.

  3. Claudia,
    No you sit outside and eat in your car. I can't speak for all Sonics in MN, but the one in West St Paul has a small Patio area you can eat at in the Spring/Summer months. But they are open year round. From what I can tell they do okay during the winter months too.
