Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

Yesterday was cold. We did a souvenir shop, had some very tasty and cheap seafood for lunch, and then hung out here. Bart, Ricardo, Leon and Wilson walked along another beach over in Florida and Dominyk swam in the pool while I sat watching him, at his request, shivering in my sweatshirt!

Last night Bart prepared us a delicious meal here, complete with a Key Lime Pie he bought at the store.

Woke up early today and couldn't go back to sleep. Hate it when that happens, especially on vacation! But Bart made me a tasty breakfast and I'm settling in to get some things done before everyone wakes up. Hopefully it's going to stop raining or I'm not sure what we'll find to do today. on Sunday and Monday the days started off overcast and cleared by 1 -- hopefully the rain will go away and that will happen today as well!

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