Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mixed Feelings

I arrived home last night TIRED from a day spent with the real Tony. The first day I didn't expect him to do anything and we got along fabulously. But he had made me some big promises about what he would do if I let him skip school to come along, so when I tried to get him to keep those promises we had a day of battles. He's so volatile and when he gets oppositional he is exhausting. We also had a fender bender (not my fault and not my fender that was bent) and accidentally I left a gas station without paying for the gas. I realized this literally two feet onto the bridge between Superior, Wisconsin and Duluth and if you know anything about that bridge, there is no turning around for a long time. By the time we got back to the gas station they had already notified law enforcement. This, of course, was hilarious to Tony. But they called them back and fortunately I had it taken care of before being involved in a conversation with anyone in a car with flashing lights.

When I got home Bart informed me about some "secret activities" of some of our very trustworthy children that we had to deal with and the confrontation with one of them did not go well. She left without permission. I know where she is but am very concerned that she still can't make herself do the right thing when her friends are involved.

But I woke up happy because at heart I'm a geek. I have a new piece of software and a receipt scanner that just arrived that I get to play with today, so that is making me happy. I know, I know, not exactly a mood changer for most people....

But here's one that would be for anyone! We get to babysit Isaac for a couple hours today! Now THAT's good news. Haven't seen him since Tuesday...


  1. Wow! What a day... but as a fellow geek... I am dying to know what gadget could turn that day around. Was it a Fjuitsu SnapScan or a NeatScan? Do you use a mac or pc platform? I could use a gadget or something to perk me up. Hang in there!
    Gail Underwood Parker

  2. It's a neat scan and I use a Mac. Have been a die hard Mac fan since 1988 when I bought my first Mac IIcx. I have at least one ever since including the very first powerbook. Now I have a MacBook Pro, an Ipad, and an IPhone.

    Somethings you just can't live without.
