Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The things on my mind this morning

I have several things I'm not looking forward to today. Ricardo's IEP meeting will start me off right at 7:45. It looks like we will be having to make the decision to have him start a work program, giving up the dream that we had of him going to college. He doesn't seem to share the dream and his learning disabilities combined with language issues are going to keep him from doing so. His behavior in school lately has been awful as well, so we will need to discuss that. It won't be fun.


If you are my friend on Facebook you know that yesterday in our big High School, there were 6 kids in lunch detention. Four of them were Fletchers. That's gotta be some kind of record. Can you beat it Cindy?


Sadie got her driver's license yesterday and was told that she "barely passed" but it was her second try and she's very excited. Now come the complications with that. Leon will take his test on Thursday. We're pretty sure he will pass the first time. But regardless of how many drivers we have we still only have 2 vehicles.


I got to spend tons of time with Isaac over the past few days and he's absolutely adorable. He is such a happy and healthy baby. One of the reasons that our oldest daughter had said so many times that she couldn't be here with her daughter because our house was "filthy" and the baby would get so sick if she lived here with all of these people, not to mention the danger of the strange people in our house. Turns out that that baby is sick very often and Isaac is so healthy and always smiling. I know that it doesn't have anything to do with the cleanliness of either home, but it makes me feel vindicated in some strange way to see Isaac doing so very well even if he is living in this horrible home. :-)


Other meetings today include a PCA evaluation for Tony and Dominyk which will most likely result in us being told that Tony qualifies for no hours and Dominyk for very few. Tony hasn't used many this past year, but our PCA for Dominyk is a lifesaver. I'm dreading the news of how much his hours have will be cut.


Wilson's conference is also going to happen today and regardless of the fact that he is smart and charming, the kid won't bring homework home. I'm not sure what we're going to do to motivate him.


After today I have no more meetings until after our vacation. I'm nearly caught up on email. I need to get my desk cleaned off and get some things cleaned up and begin the packing process.


Our taxes are finally ready to submit. NACAC is looking for someone who has received their adoption tax credit. Do you know anyone who has?


Jimmy (who lives in the basement) just theorized that his room is flooding. When I asked the source of the water, he said the shingles. I'm not seeing how that could be possible.


It's time for me to go make sure everyone is up and coordinate several things to make today happen. Can you see with all the thoughts swirling in my head how I sometimes get a bit overwhelmed?


  1. urban servant blogger has a couple readers that have had their 8839 deposited, good new for the rest of us, but word has it they are sending letters too to some people. be sure that your special needs qualification and decree with visable seal is sent and it may be better odds of a deposit instead of a letter. looking forward to some funds!!

  2. Good luck with the PCA hours!! I am still trying to figure out how to manage without all of those we lost

  3. I'm still watching for a true 'carryforward' credit to be deposited for anyone I know.
