Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who'd have thought...

Six years ago in March I started this blog. Who'd have thought I'd get so busy that I would go a day and half without remembering to blog. But this week has been insane and I have just not gotten around to it. Yesterday I was plunging through work at my office followed by a trip to visit a kid who ducked the visit. (can't exactly force a teenager to do anything -- I know that much). I came home in time to go to the H.S. Choir concert.

The concert was SO good. I love watching Tony, Leon and Sadie sing. They do such a great job. But I knew that day would come as well. Since the kids were in preschool we have had a tradition that we go out for a treat after a concert. Last night Tony had to put risers away, Sadie chose to hang out with friends, and Leon made plans but wanted his treat quickly. So we took Leon and then dropped him off to get ready to leave and then picked up Tony and took him for his, but Sadie opted out of hers.

I'm trying to take it a bit easier today. I literally worked about 70 hours this week and am simply exhausted. Hanging out in my room with these two handsome men. Can't beat that, huh?

I must say that this little guy is so lucky! He always has a human to entertain him -- an aunt, one of many uncles, grandparents, parents. He's very attached and loved. So nice to see the next generation starting with a bit more hope.

1 comment:

  1. "So nice to see the next generation starting with a bit more hope."

