Tuesday, April 26, 2011

11 Hours...

The training that we are doing today is for Mental Health Behavior Aides. It's a long day but it's fun to train with Bart and we're staying at a very nice hotel which is an added bonus.

We've not heard a word from home, so we're assuming things are fine. Two of the kids are staying with friends, and Dominyk's PCA is helping with him... there are 3 tennis matches and a track meet this week keeping others busy, so we're crossing our fingers.

The hotel we are staying in overlooks a beautiful lake and it's very calm and peaceful here. Of course, because MN is cursed beyond belief this winter, it's a dreary, cloudy, rainy icky day....

We're heading out to train -- training starts at 8 and ends at 5, but we have to be there at 7 to set up and we usually debrief for 30-60 minutes afterwards, making it an 11 hour day. Good thing we don't have to travel back tonight.

Want to break up my long day? Order a copy of the new book for your mom for mother's day. ;-) If you use the discount code "mom" at our online store you'll get the book plus shipping for ten bucks.

I check my email on my Iphone every 30 minutes or more, so book orders coming in will be a guaranteed smile for me in the midst of this long day.

Are you tired of hearing about the book yet?

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