Monday, April 25, 2011

And We're Hitting the Ground Running

Did I tell you I have this new thinga-ma-jiggy that allows me to be online on my computer in the car? No, I'm not going to use it while I drive, nor am I using it now, but I'm going to have to use it later today as I need to work and be in the car at the same time. Bart and I are able to do a training together tomorrow in Bemidji which is about a 5 hour drive from here. We have the kids cared for and we are leaving in a few hours. Since my other two jobs don't just stop when I have trainings, I'll have my laptop with the thinga-ma-jiggy and busily and happily work from the road.

I finally fell asleep last night (afternoon naps and I don't do so well together) but woke up with my head spinning with a multitude of thoughts. Having everyone but John here yesterday made me start to think about what to do about him after he gets out of jail. I had sent him a very very long letter explaining why letting him live here was so stressful for me... he hasn't answered it yet. But us being separated from Isaac is not a good thing for Isaac as he is quite bonded to us -- and it certainly isn't a good thing for us! -- so I think I've come up with a plan that I won't blog about. If you're super super curious you can email me and I'll tell you. I think I'm willing to give him one more chance but I want to have a plan for what that one more chance looks like.

Other thoughts in my head including summer planning as I really enjoyed having everyone together and want to do it again at least once this summer. I was also thinking about the fact that Jimmy is graduating in a little over a month and what to do about that. He wants to go on a trip with Bart instead of having an open house but I'm debating some kind of informal family event as well.

Since I woke up at 5:10 to all those churning thoughts I've had a very early start to the day. Last night's photo uploading and blogging took me hours and I need to get some things ready for today.

The pictures above demonstrate how there's really nothing better than being a grandparent even if it isn't in the best of circumstances. We really enjoyed that role this weekend.

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