Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Got this email from an acquaintance.....

I’m proud to announce the official publication today of my new book. I kindly ask my friends, colleagues, relatives and complete strangers to please consider buying a copy (or multiple copies for your own friends, colleagues, relatives and complete strangers). Here’s a link to purchase: http://tinyurl.com/http-AdoptionNation or go to your local bookstore and, if they don’t have it, ask why and place an order. Feel free to forward this email freely, post it on your own website, blog, Facebook page, tweet it, etc.

I’m very proud of this book and hope it will make a real difference in people’s lives. Thanks immensely for your help and support. Adam.

Note from me: If anyone reads it or has read it, come back and let us know what you think...

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