Monday, April 18, 2011

A New Twist on the Day

19 year old Suspended Jimmy is coming with me to clean my office today. It needs cleaning and he will be working every hour that he isn't in school... Apparently he decided he needed to smack someone right in front of the liaison officer at the school. He says he got suspended for three days because he hit him three times, but I'm pretty sure he would have gotten three days for just one smack.... Sigh.

Last night Dominyk decided to do his own laundry for the first time. I think he managed to get both loads done but the whole thing is quite an undertaking and the whole area now looks like a tornado took over in the night.

I slept horribly last night but got to the Y by five with Skinny Butt who lost three pounds more than I gained and I gained a lot! Two weeks of ignoring a plan isn't a good thing. But I had a great workout and my endorphins are flowing like crazy.... so we'll see how long it lasts.

This is a busy week -- 6 home visits in 5 days in 6 different towns that span about 165 miles of Minnesota both east and west of me. That involves quite a bit of driving but when it's done it will be done....

Next weekend or oldest son Kyle and his wife, Christy are coming for Easter... there is a rumor that our oldest daughter and her daughter might be joining us as well, and we get to babysit for Isaac both the good and the stress of all that is heading our way.

Need to pack up now and head to the office.... lots to do, lots to do....

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