Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What makes your pulse quicken in a positive way?

About 10 years ago I heard about the Adopt American Network... a non-profit that focuses on matching. By this point we already had 9 children and my husband was beginning to say to me, "Is there any way you can help find homes for kids that doesn't involving them moving in here?"

So I got excited about the idea of becoming a volunteer matching specialist for Adopt America. In fact, the idea of being part of making families almost made me salivate. It certainly made my pulse quicken. If you know what it means to have a passion, then you know what it means when I say that matching is my passion. It took me a couple years to finally get hooked up with them, but since then I have lived out my passion every day -- finding great fulfillment in being a part of over 500 kids matched since 2003.

So, does this idea do for you what it did for me? Does the idea of being a volunteer specialist and working with me and a group of awesome adoptive parents to help put families together make your pulse quicken? If you are an adoptive parent that is the only qualification you need to have...

Email me privately at maeflye at mac dot com and let's talk! I'd love to let you experience the thrill of a match.... there's not much like that feeling that I've ever come across before or since....


  1. We have been trying to adopt for about a year and a half now. We want a MN Waiting Child, preferably a teenager or sibling group. Help!

  2. Email me privately....
