Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I am not Dead

Wow. How can I possibly catch up on the past 48 hours..... Let's see... Sunday afternoon, late, Wilson fell at the skatepark and broke his wrist. At urgent care they told us that he was going to have to have it repositioned on Monday. Dominyk and Tony both had therapy on Monday and Bart was planning to leave for a conference.

I tend to tell too many details.... so I'll leave a bunch out, but the bottom line is that we were both supposed to be out of town this week...

Monday morning Bart took Wilson in to find out that he needed to have this procedure done under anesthesia on Wednesday at noon, the one day that was not negotiable for me. So I had to do a ton of reorganizing in order for us to figure out how to get everyone where they needed to be with both vehicles gone.... we figured it out and left only an hour later than planned But it was a wild day. Got to the conference hotel, after getting lost several times, just in time to meet up with an old very good friend for dinner. I then went with Bart to the service and lecture (very good stuff) and then fell into bed exhausted.

This morning I have been to our main office in St. Paul, Driven to Cloquet, had lunch with Tubaville which was awesome and energizing, and driven to the hotel. Now I have two days of work to catch up on before I sleep for a while and then have meetings tomorrow and head home to recovering Wilson and the other kids.... next week I have a conference in Oklahoma City... but after that I will be home for a few weeks. I need to get organized. I've been gone way too much.

So, now for an evening of emails, etc....... It will be good to get things done....


  1. Claudia,
    What is your conference in OKC? I live there, and I've been reading your blog for a while, but don't worry, I'm not a stalker! I can at least wave at you from afar!!
    My church (Bridgeway) just announced a city wide project to help more kids in foster care called the 111project.org (recruiting foster parents, educating people about adoption, and helping foster parents). I'm so excited that churches are starting to get serious about helping kids in foster care, as there are a lot of them in OK.
    The weather here in OKC has been great lately, unseasonably cool, so I hope you have a nice visit!
    Julie in OK

  2. It's the behavioral health conference. I'm doing a keynote and a couple seminars....

    Great news on the church!
