Sunday, May 29, 2011

So, How Was the "Normal Family" Weekend?

Well, we were so prepared and so well planned. We bought Twins Tickets ahead of time and also bought some gift certificates on and got a really good deal. Spend $4.00 on a $50 gift card -- spend $100 and get $50 off. It was such a sweet deal.

So we drove up to the Cities to a the Hilton, checked in, and then I read a while while Bart and some of the boys explored downtown. Then we decided to walk to the restaurant for a late lunch/early dinner. It was raining but we were committed to walking, so we walked there in the rain. We got there and discovered that they were closed until 5... but we were 2 miles away from Target Field, and it was already starting at six. It seems that we have this jinx that follows us and the more that I plan the less progress I make...

We decided to walk toward the baseball field and find something to eat ... except everything was super expensive or super CLOSED. Apparently in the downtown area.... EVERYTHING is closed. We finally found an Asian restaurant... a very pricy one... so we had dinner and then walked to the game.

WOw, those seats are HIGH! Made me downright nervous -- felt like I was going to fall right onto the fielder....

But the Twins pulled it out in the 10th inning and we then walked back to the hotel.

This morning we went to church at Park Avenue this morning. Kyle and Christy joined us and the service was awesome -- in both Spanish and English simultaneously, which was so cool, and also with a gospel number from the choir. Definitely multicultural and inner-city and uplifting and awesome. Then we had authentic Mexican in A Mpls suburb with Kyle and Christy and headed home.

I didn't touch my computer at all the whole time we were gone -- left it home.

In many ways I guess we were normal, but the behavior of a couple of our kids was just not fun. One of them tripped and landed on my foot, which hurt, and he spent the whole weekend cursing and yelling about how stupid I was to have been in his way. A couple others just had ridiculous comments to make nad the language was terrible.

In addition, even though most of the group was betwen 15 and 19, they still had to be watched like toddlers so they wouldn't get distracted and walk away from us....

So, we were normal in many ways. We were normal in that we spent a lot of money. We were normal in that there were both really fun times and some not so fun times.

But in other ways... it wasn't all that normal. But we're home, the kids have some memories and we survived (and now I get to work through almost 250 emails. There's a reason that I don't leave my computer often). ;-)


  1. Sounds quite normal to me, just like the best laid plans of mice or men, as they say. At least you got to see a good ball game up there. That's a rarity this season.

  2. I have very often found that "deals" never seem to quite work out the way they are supposed to!! If it is any comfort, last summer I spent a large sum of money on a vacation in the south. Took 3 days to drive to where we were headed. My son did okay in the car (familiar, I suppose) but then melted down so bad when we reached our destination, we could not even go to eat. He just could not handle being away from his sanctutary(home). After a brief and exhausting 2 days down there (we were supposed to stay for 7), we had to turn around and come home(three days again). I mourned the loss of money in deposits and emotional energy for a while, then decided NEVER to try that again.
