Sunday, May 22, 2011

This Doesn't Happen Very Often

Bart is here to listen to the mayhem of Sunday morning. For some reason Dominyk seems to swear more on Sundays and today is no exception. And we are quite tired as Tony's cast party turned into drama among some of the cast members over some traumatic event while they were out celebrating (traumatic in the eyes of the girls he was with) and he rolled in at 2:20 after Bart had been out looking for him for 30 minutes. We had a hard time going back to sleep.

We are also giving the kids a choice today as to whether they will go to church with me for Jimmy's Senior Recognition and Sadie and Wilson's Musical or with Bart to his chosen place of worship which he finally selected about 15 minutes ago after trying to decide all week. So many choices and so few Sundays of his sabbatical to visit other places... it's been hard for him to choose.

I on, the other hand, did not contribute since I would not be going along. However, I'm going to hope for a decision by Thursday of this week as to next week's plan....

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