Monday, June 27, 2011

Conflicting Emotions

I'm having a lot of conflicting emotions today, and I don't think I'm going to burden you with them.

Church yesterday with my parents and John, Courtney and Isaac was great. The pastor is in his 60s. He has struggled with arthritis for years. His wife, born with cerebral palsy, has been having very serious health issues for several years.

The sermon he preached was from Matthew 8 about Jesus falling asleep in the boat before he calmed the storm.. He talked about how Jesus was able to fall asleep in the boat during the storm because He was convinced that God could handle it. He also prayed an amazing prayer that ended with, "We trust you Lord to answer our requests and handle these situations in your own way, which we know is ALWAYS the right way."

It is always so good for me to read things that remind me that no matter what is going outside of me, it doesn't have to affect what happens inside of me.

I always feel sad the last day at my parents. My dad is 88... turning 89 in a couple months -- so I wonder how many more times I will see my dad.

But we've had a great time and we get to see some good friends tonight... I'm taking pictures but the cord I brought is the wrong one so you won't get to see them yet!

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