Thursday, June 09, 2011

Contrast between perfection and imperfection

My mind is so full of details that I forgot that it's Bart's birthday. The last day of school, Jimmy graduating tonight, Bart's mom and sister coming -- and I completely forgot until 8:45. I feel awful. And there is nothing that i can do to fix it.

He of course, being the perfect one, has already forgiven me for forgetting. Just have to try and forgive myself.

I jokingly say that I married Bart so that people would know he wasn't perfect.

But sometimes the contrast between the two of us is glaring.....

1 comment:

  1. The great thing about husband and wives that are meant for each other - is that we understand, we forgive and we continue to love, he has now made it to beyond precious level in the understanding and love department, I'm sure you'll find a way to show him...
