Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good morning from Duluth

Nice quiet night with Bart last night -- only a couple interruptions from the kids and those were with good news.. probably ;-)

Jimmy got a call from a friend saying, "Hey, come interview. I have a job at this place and you can get one too." Well, he went over ,got interviewed and is going to training Thursday, Friday, Saturday. He says he's going to be selling cooking stuff, he thinks. Now this is going to be interesting...

Then Sadie texted to tell us she has an interview Friday at my favorite coffee shop. yay! Her getting a job would be a really good thing.

We had a nice dinner out and then I spent the evening posting kids for the matching bash. As always there are so many who won't get a single study sent in on them and those kids really grab at my heart.

I'm busy posting another 15 or so this morning and then I have two meetings... after which we will celebrate our anniversary. ;-)

Better get back to it as I have a time limit...

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