Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Packing up again...

Bart and I are heading to Duluth -- taking Sadie with us to drop her off at Kyle and Christy's to spend time with Christy for a couple days. I have meetings in Duluth on Wednesday and the rest of the time we're going to celebrate our anniversary.

Bart and I were relaxing in our bedroom with Isaac between us a couple days ago and I said, "I wonder what we would have said if someone had told us, 'In 15 years you're going to be sitting together playing with your 8 month old grandson.' We didn't even know about older child adoption then -- we probably would have assumed that we had given birth to a child who had gone on to birth or father a child at 14!!!

It's a good thing we don't know the future...

So we're off....

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