Friday, July 01, 2011

Can you tell me....

who had the kitchen chore in your house in May of 2009? Or December of 2008? Or last February?

I can tell you that about my family. Because I'm nuts like that.

Each of our kids is required to be responsible for doing basic cleaning of one room of the house every day. They do each chore for a month and then we change them. For this they are compensated in an allowance. Occasionally we have a person who just flat out refuses to do theirs and they go broke for a long time. Right now it appears that Mercedes is shutting down like the MN government but because she has two part time jobs and a driver's license she no longer needs parents. Except that she does -- which is why I hate 16-18 for girls. The guys haven't seemed to be quite as sure that they know everything at that age as my girls have.

Had to confront a couple of icky situations yesterday, so I'm glad those are over. Also, by 7:30 we had heard from two people that Mike was back in jail and he was only booked at 5:10. Of course, it didn't help to slow down gossip when he was arrested at the "pit" -- a swimming hole that teenagers love to frequent that is ... well if you know about Mankato -- not exactly the safest place to be. My kids seldom go -- unless they are in a rebellious stage and go with friends or if they go with a PCA...

It's nice, too, that all our county jail inmates are posted online so we can keep track of him....

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