Monday, July 25, 2011

The Let Down

All the way home I could feel it starting to slowly land on me -- this sense of dread and malaise. Not really sure anything provoked it.... the boys were fairly well behaved on the trip home and we had a great weekend, we really did (more about that later when I'm in a better mood).

There is a piece of good news that I should share.... our oldest son, Kyle, a teacher in the Twin Cities, had a pink slip for the 3rd year in a row -- and we heard this weekend that he now has his job back for year #4, which I think means tenure. This is very good news.

Yesterday was their first anniversary. Hard to believe a whole year has gone by since the wedding.

Maybe it's the fact that Bart is leaving tomorrow for another week away -- this time in Orlando - that has me feeling negative. Or maybe it's that I'm a bit behind with work after a couple days of not doing any. Or perhaps it is coming home to some of the stupid things that one kid in particular did while I was gone.

I'm sure that a nap will cure some of it, so maybe I'll have time to take one.... and then later I can post a more positive entry....

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