Sunday, July 03, 2011

Oh what a tangled web.....

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”. Sir Walter Scott

Sir Walter Scott happens to be one of my ancestors..... and this is one of his most famous quotes.

Our lives are kind of funny. We can go a few weeks without anyone getting into trouble, and then, suddenly, one person happens to do something dumb and get caught and then, during their interrogation, we find out all kinds of things....

Today started simply enough with a child using a cell phone in church -- which gets it confiscated and since they are on my cell phone plan, if they are unwise enough to get it confiscated, I get to read the texts.

Let's just say this person had enough stupid stuff in texts to get himself arrested three or four different times by being naive and stupid....

But in the meantime he gets at least three of his brothers in deep doo doo.....

Bart says I should have been a prosecuting attorney. He's right.


Oh what a tangled web we weave....


  1. I know that quote! from a precious memories book I've had since childhood..
    do you know this one?
    If your lips,
    you would keep from slips,
    Know from whom you speak,
    to whom you speak,
    of what, and when and where

  2. As sad as that is to have to read their texts and keep tabs on them 24/7 I have to laugh out loud! Because they are so ridiculous sometimes, thinking they aren't going to get caught. Its kinda funny just to catch them to see what they do.
    Its amusing for me to follow the clues they leave and figure it all out! And I tell them all the time that God tells me anyway, so really they are hooped!!

  3. That is one of my favorite quotes!! I've loved it since childhood. I believe it wholeheartedly too.

    My dd wrote in detail of her exploits but thought we would never find it since she didn't write in the first page of the journal - she started in the middle (I pray daily to be spared from stupidity). It all started because I noticed my youngest sons piggy bank was missing all the quarters and dimes - only pennies and nickles so it led me on a trail of one crazy thing after another and when it was over, I was completely floored by the nerve or this child. I had been completely fooled for 2 mos. and I don't think I've recovered yet (1 1/2 yrs later). The lies just overwhelm me.

  4. That is one of my favorite quotes!! I've loved it since childhood. I believe it wholeheartedly too.

    My dd wrote in detail of her exploits but thought we would never find it since she didn't write in the first page of the journal - she started in the middle (I pray daily to be spared from stupidity). It all started because I noticed my youngest sons piggy bank was missing all the quarters and dimes - only pennies and nickles so it led me on a trail of one crazy thing after another and when it was over, I was completely floored by the nerve or this child. I had been completely fooled for 2 mos. and I don't think I've recovered yet (1 1/2 yrs later). The lies just overwhelm me.
