Monday, July 18, 2011

Parenting Strategies for the Child with Attention Difficulties

Sit Still-Be Quiet: Parenting Strategies for the Child with Attention Difficulties

Deena McMahon in collaboration with North Homes in Grand Rapids, MN

WHEN: Wednesday, September 28, 2011

TIME: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

WHERE: Blandin Foundation Auditorium; 100 Pokegama Avenue North, Grand Rapids, MN

FEE: $20 per person/$35 per couple; North Homes families please register via North Homes.

CEUS: CEUs are available for an additional $30 per person

REGISTER: Please register online

SYNOPSIS: Please join parent and therapist Deena McMahon as she discusses the difficulties that come with an ADHD, ADD or Other attention-related conditions. Deena McMahon will demonstrate strategies to help you and your child meet the challenges of staying focused, attentive and being still during this informative and helpful evening for parents and professionals.

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