Monday, July 11, 2011

This just in...

Kari just texted. She was kinda busy earlier, but I won't tell you what she was doing. Embarrassing.

Here's the Jimmy story. As you know, he gets quite confused sometimes...

Since Bart is out of town I decided some of us would go to church on Saturday night again at the Lutheran church. The last time we went we all got quite confused. We went up to receive communion and there were little cups of white juice in the middle, and cups of red juice around the outside. We all made the wrong assumption - thinking the red stuff would be the grape juice and the white stuff the wine. So for the first time ever our kids had wine....well, at least the kids that were with us that night.

So Saturday night I asked Jimmy if he was coming to church that night with us, or if he wanted to wait and go in the morning. He said, "I'm not going tonight. I don't trust those Lutherans -- trying to slip us beer in those little cups...."

1 comment:

  1. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at Jimmy's comment...too funny!
