Thursday, July 28, 2011


If you are my friend on Facebook you will see that I let my fellow alumni from my alma mater know that I was going to create a Google map of to show where we are now.

You (and many others) might be thinking WHY? Doesn't she have ENOUGH to do?

Well, actually, yes, but I do stuff like this because I need a distraction from everything else. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning in adoption. I currently have a full time job and 3 other part time jobs -- two that are very part time -- but all of them are related to either mental illness or adoption. So a fun little break that takes a couple hours of my down time is a good distraction.

Besides, I'm learning a new technology. Who knows when I might need to create a google map for some other reason ;-)

I do find that these distractions are crucial. Mind then to be technology related because I love it. What is your favorite distraction when you feel like you're drowning in adoption and mental health issues?


  1. C - Crosswords or Angry Birds or, if I am particularly stressed/whatever, deep cleaning the house or hiking - JB

  2. distraction- reading blogs like yours! re-routing thoughts on my own mental health to those writing about THEIR (or their children's) mental health stuff...

    i have on idea why, i guess the whole thing of thinking you have answers or opinions on other's problems is WAY easier then dealing with your own junk lol :P

  3. Reading your blog! janna

  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I read other peoples blogs of course! Also I love to bake and cook. Always plenty of that to do in our family!

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I quilt...or refinish furniture. Lately, it's mostly been furniture. I refinished a desk I got through freecycle, all of our dining room chairs, and now I am sewing cushions.

  6. What do I do when I'm overwhelmed by mental health/ adoption/ kids? My kids have a 9pm room time and I watch reality trash TV, while on FaceBook or reading blogs, and eating strawberries with chocolate chips until the wee hours of the morning OR late night bubble baths with a good book (fiction that has nothing to do with kids, mental health or kids). During the day, I just vent to my Hubby and/or blog.

  7. Unfortunately, I use food as a distraction. Which explains my weight! I'm going to try substituting some projects instead. When you come to NW Washington again I hope you have time to have coffee with me Claudia. :)

  8. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Yes!! I had an experience about a year ago that taught me how much I needed some balance. I found my lia sophia. I do a show here and there and spend an evening with a bunch of sparkily bling and a group of ladies and---here is the shocking part---no one brings up mental illness at all! It's a wonderful distraction! :)

  9. Claudia,
    You do more than exist! You inspire. For those of that have adopted and continue to adopt your blogging information is wonderful! I appreciate it very much although we have never met.Thank you for all you do for families.
    Debbie Gath
