Friday, August 12, 2011


Maybe everyone is like this and it's not just me but I totally and completely love my life and all the parts of it. It's just that I love so many things I can't fit them all in! I'm full of internal energy, especially on mornings that I work out, and I jam pack my days with as much as I can until I am nearly comatose with exhaustion by the time supper is over at night. My mind is in high gear all the time and I literally love everything I do.

In fact I always have a zillion ideas of other things I want to be doing that I can't fit in and so I have to say no to myself.

I had an important work document that needed to be done ASAP so I refused to allow myself to be distracted by emails, or facebook connections, or blogs or blogging, or recording my exercise in my No Excuses Workout System, or open up my Monvee to find out what my spiritual growth path was asking me to do, or read my YouVersion daily devotional. And that is just a few of the things I said no to in order to get it done.

Now I have a list of all kinds of wonderful options of things to do but only have a limited number of hours before this day, like all the others, will be over.

OK.... moving on to the next thing. ;-)

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