Monday, August 01, 2011

Turn Around Day

Bart is home. YAY! Tony is at Bart's Mom's. Double YAY! I'm not sure who needed a break more -- me from him or him from me. When he gets anxious and agitated he is a piece of work and the combination of that and my stress this weekend was like throwing gas on a fire. I admit my part in it and I am relieved that I have some time to regroup. He is by far the most difficult kid we have raised and we got him at 20 months with nothing in case history to indicate that he would be THAT challenging. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and was incredibly charming and cute. Anyone would have believed they had won the lottery to be able to adopt him.

And we have.... I'm certainly not saying that I don't love him or that he hasn't given me some really wonderful gifts -- but let's just say when you win the lottery sometimes you have to pay a LOT of taxes ;-). When I say "Older doesn't mean better it just means longer" that isn't necessarily negative. It's just to say that if a child has several diagnosis and you start parenting them at the age of two or three -- that you're going to be dealing with stuff a LOT longer than if you get them at 13 or 14, plus, you know what you're getting. But it's not like that's a new statement for me to make, eh?

So yesterday we headed to church at Park Avenue in Minneapolis and I love to worship there. They are multicultural -- and the service in the summer is bilingual -- so I get very excited about being there. If we were living in the Twin Cities and Bart was not a pastor, I am certain we would make that our choice. If you are a transracially adopted family and are looking for a church where all your kids would fit in -- and you would as well -- check it out. (And no, I was not paid to advertise).

We then headed for a quick lunch and then saw movies, which was about all I could come up with for a very hot afternoon when I was emotionally exhausted. We then went over to spend time with my friend Tia and her daughters. Tia was in my wedding and I have known her for 17 years .... and in January I had the privilege of being part of her pre-adoption training. Yesterday I met her new 14 year old daughter and it's a wonderful match! I'm so excited for her.

After a quick visit and some pizza, we headed over to pick up Bart from the airport. When we got home Sadie and Leon had a zillion things to tell us about the missions trip and we had a really good conversation with both of them.... uninterrupted by Dominyk which is quite unusual. He had been really obnoxious most of the weekend, so I needed a break and for once he respected my wishes.

Today it's time to unpack and pack because we are heading to NACAC, driving, tomorrow. I'm speaking Saturday, and even though it doesn't give me goosebumps like it does my now unlinkable and non-blogging friend, Kari, I am excited to hear Bruce Perry. We also will get to spend some time with friends. Jimmy is coming along as his graduation trip and hopefully we'll connect with my brother....

So lots going on this week. I'll try to keep blogging!

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