Saturday, August 27, 2011

You Know You're Cranky When...

you mutter to yourself all the way through your shower about how stupid it is that we all have to shower and get dressed every morning and getting frustrated with Adam and Eve for their stupid choice that brought us to this state and and and....

Woke up cranky -- not really a reason per se -- things are fine here -- but just cranky. Hopefully my day is going to get better but I'm spending it with Kari at an adoption picnic and when I called her to decide when we're leaving she was cranky too. Of course if you read her blog post today she sound all perky. Hmmm. Maybe her mood changed? Or maybe I'm the only one "fortunate" enough to see what she's REALLY like. (Oh my am I in trouble now... but she knows I'm kidding.)

I have to get my haircut first and go to the grocery store, two things I had to do with a passion.

I realized today that every single minute of my life I am trying to save time. I realized this when I saw two bottles in the shower and one of them I knew was shampoo but a cheap nasty kind and another bottle that I had not seen before (this happens if Bart happens to be buying those kinds of supplies). So I made the quick decision that while that could be shampoo, it might also be body wash, and if I picked it up to check I would be wasting that three seconds of time, so I grabbed the sure thing shampoo just so I wouldn't waste time.

And you people thought I was sane.....

1 comment:

  1. So you don't think that the thought of spending the day with you is enough to perk me up?

    Or maybe it's the thought of getting out of my house for a while...

