Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Glutton for Good Wishes ;-)

Happy Birthday to me. So far the day has started uneventfully with at least three of my kids my husband, and 54 Facebook friends wishing me a happy birthday, along with 4 who sent texts, and a couple more who emailed. Grateful for a wonderful family, for great friends, and even for Facebook acquaintances who are always good about saying Happy Birthday.

But now I must get to work... After an update or two for oyu:

Things continue to go the wrong direction for Ricardo - hoping he'll turn things around.

Jimmy is doing a great job of keeping up with housework in exchange for his room and board while everyone else is at school. The house hasn't been this clean in years. I know he really wants to start work... but....

Isaac's first birthday party and Gabby's baptism are coming up in October...

Dominyk thinks he is starting football today. I know all the coach sees is "6'1, 240 lbs" but he is going to be an organizational nightmare and has NO idea the rules of football....

The next book -- which is the one everyone has been waiting to read for years -- the one that is going to include lots of my quirky sense of humor -- should be out by mid-october.

I have so much work to do!


  1. I was just coming over here to grab a link to your blog so I could tell people to come and wish you a happy birthday...but you beat me to it!

    Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu,
    Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu,
    Happy birthday dear YMCA shower buddy,
    Happy birthday to you!


  2. Thanks... but do you ALWAYS have to go there? Good grief.


  3. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

  4. I worry about the two of you!

    Happy birthday dear Claudia!


  5. Happy Birthday!

    Longtime reader
