Saturday, September 24, 2011

It Really Is Going to be a good one!

So, the website is done for the new book and you can find it here. I'm excited. I really do think it is going to be a great book.

I've been thinking back and the adoption and foster care books I have read in the past. They are informational. They tend to be quite serious. There are a few that might provide a small giggle or a whimsical smile, but how many books about Parenting tough kids make you laugh until you snort? I'm pretty convinced that you will do so at least once as you work your way through this book.

You can preorder it starting now and save $4.00 -- And, if you haven't already purchased my other books you can do so and save ...

Looking forward to your reaction -- books should be shipped by October 20th!

1 comment:

  1. Guess what?! I have finally finished reading your entire blog! Now I can start commenting. I had so much to say after reading your older posts, but kept quiet till now. Thank you for sharing your story all these years. I have learned a lot by reading your blog. I have a blog but have only posted in it a few times. By the time I have a few minutes to sit at a computer, I do not usually want to rehash my day. I want to get lost in a game or someone else's story for a few minutes. Which reminds me, I haven't read Cindy's or Linda Up North's in like three months, since I started reading your blog. Time to get back to them...
